
The 7th CCCMS Final Program

The 7th CCCMS Abstract Book


Pre-conference workshops

Every registered participants can join one of these workshops (for free):

1. Writing class for international journal

    • Convenor​​: Masduki
    • Workshop language​: English
    • Description​​: The workshop will cover how to write an article for an international journal, specifically in the field of media and communication studies. Topics will include identifying suitable journals, writing in accordance with the journal’s scope, aims, and requirements, structuring arguments, writing specific sections of the article (such as the abstract, introduction, and conclusion), and managing time effectively during the writing process.


2. Urban walking & sensory methods
    • Convenor​​: Zaki Habibi
    • Workshop language​: English
    • Description​​: In this urban walking and sensory methods workshop, we are going to engage ourselves with the practice of walking the city, while engaging with the possibilities to expand the various meanings of places, sensory experiences and any inquiries that follow. We will walk and explore the urban streetsin the city, trying to understand the multi-arrays of encounter, interaction, and even tensions. We are going to witness and understand such things by specifically focusing on our sensory experience through the practice of walking as a particular approach in knowledge production.


3. Environmental communication – edited volume writing group
    • Convenor​​: Muzayin Nazaruddin
    • Workshop language​: Bahasa Indonesia
    • Description​​: The workshop is designed for participants interested in contributing to an edited volume (in Bahasa Indonesia) on environmental communication and environmental humanities. The topics of this edited volume include risk and disaster communication, environmental crises, human-animal relations, nature-culture tensions, local ecological knowledge, environmental activism, and other related themes.


4. Photobook and Design Thinking: An Introduction
    • Convenor​​: Andi Ari Setiadi & Caron Toshiko Monica (Gueari Galeri)
    • Workshop language: English, mixed with Indonesian
    • Description: An introduction to designing a photobook using design thinking. This workshop focuses on using design thinking to create photobooks. It starts with understanding the audience through empathy exercises, identifying the photobook’s challenges, and brainstorming photobook ideas. Then, participants develop their own photobook concepts, gather feedback and refine their concepts accordingly. The workshop ends with participants finalising their photobook concepts.
    • Tools (workshop preparation): Each participant brings a minimum of 30 printed photos, 3R size.